Reaping Fruitful Rewards: Late Of The Pier

Musically as untamed as wild fruits splurging out of fallen leaves in Sherwood Forest, Late Of The Pier have wormed their way back into the subconscious apple of the electro-pop eye. Blueberry blooms as perhaps the first fruit-inspired hyperballad since the spinning top that is this Earth found its axis. Lyrically simplistic when set against the crazed, contorted crashing synths of debut LP Fantasy Black Channel, Blueberry boasts a verse reminiscent of nostalgic mid-nineties Capital FM drive time before erupting into flowing, magmatic vocal cascades as haunting as deserted Donnington mansions. Blending the lines between the Lighthouse Family and disconcerting guitar squeals never seemed as seamless.

Blueberry is set to be released over the digital space waves on 17th December...