On the Horizon: Spurts of Organic Wonderment from Freelance Whales

Bustling with an organic eccentricity, nifty New Yoikers Freelance Whales (Williamsburg wins again) respire a bruised beauty that stitches an emblematic thread from the satirical heartstrings of Sufjan to the sprawling widescreen wooziness of Cymbals Eat Guitars. Generator^2nd Floor, not to be confused with the sobering sweetness of Generator^1st Floor rattles rather terrifically with tambourine taps and an undeniably exuberant guitar hook, wonderfully digested by a neck pickup as bright as Carol Vorderman. All lined up for a SXSW schedule set to burst and quite accustomed to street corner shows, Freelance Whales may well be occupying a fair few more sanctuaries of the Blogosphere this time next month...

Generator ^ Second Floor - Freelance Whales by vduquette

Generator^2nd Floor is released on White Lies drumer Jack Lawrence-Brown's very own Chess Club Records on March 22nd. Keep your eyes peeled for dates and ears pricked on every corner of Camden.

Freelance Whales