On the Horizon: Frankly Jubilant, Roosevelt.

My knowledge of things to have emerged from Köln is rather restricted. Musically, moreover, I know of nothing aside from Lukas Podolski's highly offensive snarlings atop the Europop dross that is, or most thankfully was rather, Brings' Halleluja. Thus the emergence of Marius Lauber – aka Roosevelt – is as enlightening to me as it is enthralling: already wrestled out of anonymity by that deeply gratifying Berlin/ London label Greco-Roman, début output aural Sea (out October 29th) is a sensual wash of cleansing Balearic beat, buoyed by a beautifully sturdy bass line. Vocally, too, it's mouth-agape-with-innocent-wonderment stuff; the Zeug of sunrise-smeared daydreams all the way from Miami, 2 Ibiza, to Glastonbury. Sehr, sehr schön.

Roosevelt's Facebook.