Back on the Campaign, The Suicide Of Western Culture.

A short while back, wildly innovative electronica types The Suicide Of Western Culture gave us an alas, all too virtual guided tour of their native Barcelona, underlining their favoured places in which to swig Estrella, shop black plastic, and get generally fucked. If you've ever voyaged to the Cataluñan capital you'll no doubt be only too aware of how tailor-made the city is to such activity. Though where The Suicide Of Western Culture truly excel is in the pair's ability to tetra-handedly recompose my preconceptions of the electronic genre, as they strip away most of the malice I've often found to be an element intrinsic to its many menacing permutations, instead opting to focus on a quite refined form of euphoria. Love Your Friends, Hate Politicians is no variation on said theme, and picks up right where the eponymous début of 2010 left off: a precise mesh of gated pulses, glitches, and subtly Balearic organic rhythms à la Orbital almost, it's a monstrous slab of elate ear-food. Consume below, and pick up on a free from Irregular Label.

Sophomore full-length, Hope Only Brings Pain, is slated for a February release.