Born This Way.

Amidst angular neon and panting unicorns, you'd be forgiven for perceiving the typically barking video to Lady Gaga's Born This Way to have been teleported in from 2009, a time when Little Boots' cheap chic electro was still considered as edgy as her quasi-mystical fluoro retro artwork. Mother Monster today has an eyeball on her chin, as she delivers her "manifesto", before banging on in nonsensical Star Wars rhetoric in that nonchalant, seductive and sultry husk of hers. Things then turn to a bizarre cross-pollination of Matrix birthing and Sanex ad as the track eventually emerges and you're reminded of why you're here in the first place. Obviously Born This Way is fairly trashy, a bargain bucket Scissor Sisters-by-numbers slab of harmless disco pop channeling her endless attempt to banish social prejudice blah blah blah, her fringe looks as though it's been perfected with a pair of nail clippers and the whole shebang is tinged with priggish sanctimony yet it's entirely worth sticking around to see her seemingly glaring into an overhead projector purveying gruesome skeletal contours beneath a shock of wonky pink hair. Absolutely bloody berserk, equally brilliant.

Lady Gaga's sophomore long player, Born This Way, is expected t'other side of Spring.