On the Horizon: Steeled Breeze, Modern Air.

Whether a result of pandering to the contemporary infatuation with the enigma or of purely not possessing any further relevant information besides the fact that they're comprised of just two and function out of a nondescript niche of London, the realities of Modern Air are concurrently, well, up in the air. A four-track EP of sorts inventively denominated 'Debut' can be located on the still-stark Soundcloud page and above and beyond the Fever Ray-infused celestial soar of Ascent or below the forbiddingly penetrative industrial throb of its Intro, its most striking slab is dubbed Industry. Clicking and clacking redolent of Blue Lines-era Massive Attack shuffles shadily beneath echoing coos on its opening salvo, before the beast is beefed and bruised 'til bloodied on a four-to-the-floor breakdown that brawls with glass plinks and synthetic pounding robust enough to shatter said glass.

Modern Air's Soundcloud.