On the Horizon: Scuffed Clack 'n' Scratch, Carnivals.

Geographically hailing from closer to Northumbria than Notting Hill and more sonically reminiscent of Korallreven than, say, Katy B dancing with the W11 daylights on is Sheffield's Carnivals. Enough to unhook even the most staunchly anti-bedroom producer miser from such close-minded misery, Departners is not only an idiom so immediately great that it ought to be inducted into the OED ASAP but a track that's commensurately seductive, if not more so. A rippling ebb of ambient allure that's all soft undulation and scuffed clack 'n' scratch, more astonishing still is that with the irrefutably glorious (if a little Balam Acab-indebted) French Tongues cued up for his forthcoming Humility EP (expected August 7th) the best is yet to come...

Carnivals' Soundcloud.