On the Horizon: Tropical Mangles, Tropa Macaca.

Not that you'd know it, but Portuguese lo-fi glitch hawkers Tropa Macaca are now on their fourth full-length with Ectoplasma, due out next week (August 20th) on Software. Not that Ectoplasma is exactly a full-length by any stretch of the most elastane of imaginations either: comprising but two tracks, each sounds as though tussling through that sweltering mangle of fuggy humidity only encountered when, for the very first time, things start to go right in the rehearsal room. And this, as with that, disconcerts as much as it delights: clashing weaves of vividly pigmented sound gradually come good on Balada dos que já nascem mortos (or 'Ballad of the Dead who are Already Born', para todos aqueles incapable of victoriously grappling with this particular Iberian lingo), an appropriately ghoulish soundclash pertaining to voodoo incantations evocative of those of The Evidence once reconstituted by The Chemical Bros. and the ominous ticking of clock-like synths. With that, now's as good a time as any to awaken to the rich works of André Abel and Joana da Conceição...

Tropa Macaca.