On the Horizon: Into the Obscure, Toyboy & Robin.

London duo Toyboy & Robin may sound like hapless Hackney detectives, although that which they churn out is an altogether grubbier affair than any petty crime out in the roughs of E1. I've always had a niggling angst over bass music: so deep and uninviting are its histories; so nuanced are its hallmarks that it's something of an all or nothing. Shamefully, I know next to nothing, other than that Everything You Want reminds me of scouring '90s garden centres for Pokémon cards: thudding on the doors of garage, it bloops when others may bleep, and builds to a heady crescendo with the somewhat unorthodox usage of guitars which weedle through the moist undergrowth of synthetic rhythms and splashes of vocal sample. Time to delve a little deeper than the veneer, most likely...

Toyboy & Robin's Soundcloud.