Sleepwalking Back into Daydreams, Towns.

At the epicentre of all scuzz-laced Bristol buzz stand Towns. Fairly resolutely, shoegaze heritage filling in the ridges in the soles of their sneakers. They've been channeling an alluring, woozy din for some time now although Sleepwalking sees them veer off in a rather more astringent direction: James MacLucas doesn't so much sing as seethe, his apathetic sighs rebounding off of cacophonous volleys of unremitting tom thuddery and guitars that sound as though inebriated on the electricity to charge 'em up and the concrete glee they secrete what knocks us down and blows us away, time and time again. This one's the lead track from an EP slated for an October 22nd release, and if you'll care to look below you'll see it comes accompanied by a photo of drummer Miles Hastings starkers in the bath. Which, you know, is nice...

Towns play Birthdays next month.